It is in times like these that we all wonder… what can we do, how can we contribute? I believe that we need to each look to what we do best, and find a relevant application of those skills.
My Background
My professional history and personal skill set gives me a potentially unique perspective to share. I cut my teeth as an analyst, strategist and senior executive on Wall Street through the 80’s; I’ve been CEO of national companies in Finance, Amusements, Product Development, Health Insurance, Mortgages and Manufacturing over the past 45 plus years.
As a writer, I’ve covered professional teams in Basketball and Baseball on line, on air and in print. I’ve published one book and a considerable number of articles on a broad variety of subjects.
My Perspective
My personal interests include economics, sports, statistical analysis, business theory, writing and being a grandfather.
Here, I am recasting myself as a commentator and perhaps moderator. I’ll look at what I can find in the world, and offer my thoughts on what I see through the prism of a fairly diverse life, one where I’ve done my level best to respect the extraordinary experiences and opportunities presented to me.
Writings have been ordered based on topics or format. Comment sections are always open, and feedback welcome. I hope that you’ll find reason to browse, and to come back now and then to see what’s been added.
Have a good visit, comment as you’re moved to, stay safe and be well.
You can also follow me on Facebook and Twitter.
You can also purchase my new book “The Insufficiency of Reparations” from Amazon in paperback or for Kindle.